Drug Testing in Chiropractic Practices: Boosting Patient Trust and Care

  • By: Andrew David Easler, Esq.
  • Published: Oct, 7 2021
  • Updated: Nov, 4 2023

Over the past few years, it has become more and more common to see drug testing offered by chiropractors. However, the connection between drug testing and chiropractic services is not always readily apparent. After reviewing the information connecting chiropractic and drug screening services, it will be clear that all chiropractors should offer drug testing within their office.

Public Safety

The first and foremost reason that drug testing services should be offered within the walls of a chiropractic practice is in regards to public health and wellness. These drug tests provide answers to individuals, but the overall safety of the public is involved. Many people are apprehensive of entering doctors’ offices or other testing facilities. This can potentially limit them from heading to a more traditional environment that will offer lab testing services. Therefore, they may be more apt to make use of drug testing services in a less intimidating environment.

Additionally, companies may be unaware of nearby drug testing services offered and therefore limit their uses. As a chiropractor who offers drug testing services, you can take this information directly to the public by placing ads on the internet or local advertising services. The more people are aware that such a service exists and is nearby, the more they will make use of it. Studies have shown that companies with more stringent policies regarding drug use and more frequent randomized drug testing have a much lower rate of drug users.[1] This stands to reason, as either employee will be unable to pass the drug test and will be fired or those who are aware of the policies will be less likely to use drugs at the threat of termination.


As a chiropractor, you know that your business is driven almost solely on networking. Clients cannot go to a chiropractor that they’ve never heard of. Therefore, it is common for chiropractors to offer as many services as possible. For example, many chiropractors offer massage treatments. When people want a massage, they may come across your clinic and decide to go. The first step to finding a new client is getting them in the door.

Chiropractors who offer drug testing services can also go out to businesses and recommend their services there. They can also incentivize potential clients by offering a discounted massage or chiropractic treatment when companies make use of their drug testing services. Chiropractors who offer drug tests can also reach out to local primary care physicians and make them aware of the testing site available. It is preferable to have someone with a medical background perform the test whenever possible. Drug test results and processes can be misinterpreted or poorly conducted by those who do not thoroughly understand the systems related to the specific test.[2] Therefore, some doctors may be more comfortable sending patients to receive drug tests at an established medical facility. Promoting positive interactions with doctors and clients will increase business and ensure better outcomes for clients.

Supplemental Income

It also benefits chiropractors to offer drug testing services locally. There are times when work is simply slow. It can be difficult to drum up new patients, especially when a chiropractor has been in a certain area for an extended period of time. You may feel that you have exhausted your clientele. However, there is almost always a need for drug testing. That’s not to say that these times where work is slow will be altogether removed. Instead, having these drug testing services offered in-house will take a little bit of the edge off of the financial difficulties that come from these “dry spells.” If you are able to make enough money to simply keep the lights on, pay the rent, or cover some other expense, then having drug testing services offered will have paid for itself.

Drug testing isn’t always simply performed for one person. Instead, it’s common for an entire business to drug test all of their personnel.[3] When they do this, it can be a very lucrative opportunity for chiropractors who offer drug testing. It does not take much time but offers high pay off. You can easily offer a group discount rate and still make a profit. While there are a number of people receiving services from you, there is also a chance that one or more of them will seek out additional services that you offer. Small and large companies alike may also be interested down the line in offering chiropractic services to employees as well.

Reasons Drug Tests are Performed

There are many reasons drug tests might be performed. The common example that many people might think of is for work. Prior to working in many fields, candidates must take a drug test to prove their sobriety prior to employment. Oftentimes, companies will require mandatory and randomized drug testings. This is typically done on a preventative basis. In order to ensure that all employees adhere to drug and substance abuse regulations, randomized tests will be done. Schools are also implementing randomized drug tests in order to increase the safety of those in classes.[4] There are other reasons, though, that people may utilize. For example, doctors may prescribe a drug test when there are concerns with regard to drug or alcohol use. A drug test can also be recommended by a family member or loved one to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient.

Drug testing is not always performed simply to identify a substance that has been used recently. It can also be strategically used by doctors and other medical professionals in order to provide a diagnosis and monitor treatment in order to improve addiction.[5] When utilized in this way, there is also repeat business to be found in those working to overcome their own challenges. These individuals will need more assistance than can be found at a lab testing site alone. Instead, the more holistic and comprehensive care that can be found in a chiropractic office will be able to help in multiple ways.

Clearly, there are a number of reasons that chiropractors can benefit themselves, their clients, and the community by offering drug testing services. Improved traffic, better networkability, additional job opportunities, and of course overall public health all incentivize chiropractors to offer these services in-house.

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